The name of this organization shall be known as Wood County Democratic Club, hereinafter referred to as WCDC.

ARTICLE II: Purpose 

The purpose of WCDC shall be to: increase political engagement and influence of Democrats in and for the county of Wood, the state of Texas, and the United States of America. provide encouragement for Democrats working in party organizations, campaigns and seeking party or public office. promote legislative, executive and judicial policies that enhance the quality of life for all people of Wood County.


Section 1-Eligibility Any person who supports the purpose of Wood County Democratic Party and the WCDC is eligible for membership.

Section 2-Membership A member shall be one whose membership form has been received and whose current year’s contribution has either been paid or waived based on economic hardship. Waivers are approved by the Executive Board.

Section 3-Categories of Membership There are four categories of membership: Individual Member – annual contribution of $15.00. Joint Members (two persons sharing a household) – annual contribution of $25.00 and each will have full rights of membership Student Members – annual contribution of $5.00 Contributing Members – Individual or Joint Members who provide additional special financial support by contributing $100.00 annually to the Wood County Democratic Party.

Section 4-Contributions and Rights Annual contributions go directly into the local treasury of the Wood County Democratic Executive Committee. Membership renewal contributions and waiver requests are due at the regular meeting in January each year, with a grace period of sixty (60) days. Renewing members must contribute or apply for a waiver before the end of the grace period to be considered a member in good standing for that year. All members in good standing will have full rights of membership including voting, holding office and serving on committees.


Section 1-Section Membership The Executive Board shall consist of seven voting members and one ex officio, nonvoting member. The Board shall be composed of the four officers, three at-large members, and the Wood County Democratic Chair as the ex officio, nonvoting member. The three at-large members shall be elected at the same time and in the same fashion as the officers.

Section 2-Duties The Executive Board shall: manage the affairs of WCDC and vote on requests for Wood County Democratic Executive Committee funds. be responsible for the programs for each regular monthly meeting. review membership contribution waiver requests in executive session.

Section 3-Board Meetings The Executive Board shall meet quarterly. Any Board member may call a special meeting as needed with at least 10 days written notice.

Section 4-Quorum A quorum shall consist of five Board members present in person or by proxy. Proxy voting shall be permitted at Board meetings, provided no person may hold or vote more than one proxy, and that the proxy is a member in good standing and has the written consent of the absent Board member.

Section 5-Use of Funds Any request for funds from the Wood County Democratic Executive Committee must be approved by a majority vote of Executive Board members in attendance at club meetings or Board meetings.

Section 6-Vacancies Vacancies of Board members will be filled by the Board with a majority vote at the next meeting of the Board.

Section 7-Removal A Board member may be removed by a majority vote of members at a regular or special meeting if it is determined that the Board member is guilty of actions seriously detrimental to the purposes of the WCDC or has repeatedly failed to discharge his or her duties, including but not limited to, being absent from three consecutive Board meetings. Proxy participation does count as being present. Notice of consideration of removal must be provided to all members no less than 30 days before the meeting.


Section 1 Officers shall be President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

Section 2-Duties The President shall: preside at all club meetings and Executive Board (Board) meetings represent WCDC publicly or designate an alternate appoint Standing Committees appoint special committees and non-voting officers as needed serve as an ex officio member of all committees prepare the business agenda for each regular meeting prepare the agenda for each Board meeting. The Vice President shall: perform the duties of the President when the President is absent be responsible for prior notification of the Wood County press about upcoming meetings, events and fund-raisers involving WCDC be responsible for press releases about meetings, events or fund-raisers involving WCDC. The Secretary shall: be responsible for the taking and the reporting of the minutes of each regular meeting and Board meeting distribute meeting announcements and other meeting information to members keep and maintain information about each member such as, but not limited to, addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers, and membership standing. The Treasurer shall: report the financial condition of Wood County Democratic Executive Committee at each regular WCDC meeting keep and maintain all records of contributions made by members including in-kind contributions Pay all bills as authorized by the Wood County Democratic Executive Committee and keep accurate records of all receipts and disbursements.

Section 3-Terms Officers are elected for two-year terms but may be re-elected. Officers shall hold office until the election of their successor.

Section 4-Elections Elections are held biennially by a majority vote of the membership that is in good standing attending the regular meeting of the month of October in odd numbered years.

Section 5-Vacancies Vacancies of officers will be filled by the Board with a majority vote at the next meeting of the Board.

Section 6-Change of Officers When leaving the office, all officers shall turn over all records pertaining to WCDC to the appropriate successor.

Section 7-Removal An Officer may be removed by a majority vote of members at a regular meeting if it is determined that the Officer is guilty of actions seriously detrimental to the purposes of the WCDC or has repeatedly failed to discharge his or her duties. Notice of consideration of removal must be provided to all members no less than 30 days before the meeting.


Section 1-Regular Meetings Regular monthly meetings are open to the public and shall be held on the fourth Thursday evening of every month (except during the months of November and December) at a time and location determined by a majority vote of the Executive Board.

Section 2-Meeting Costs There is no cost of attendance. Donations to the Wood County Democratic Executive Committee are encouraged to defray expenses of announcement mailings, the meeting room costs and any meal costs.

Section 3-Quorum and Voting Business shall be conducted by members present at any regular monthly meeting. Only members who are in good standing may vote.

Section 4-Special Meetings Special meetings may be called by any officer or Executive Board member and may be held at any location in Wood County. However, all voting pertaining to the business of the club must be held during a regular monthly meeting.


Where Bylaws are silent, the latest edition of Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern WCDC.


Should WCDC be dissolved by appropriate action of its membership, any and all assets shall be relinquished to the political fund of the Wood County Democratic Party.


WCDC may adopt such bylaws, as from time to time it shall deem necessary. Bylaws shall be adopted by a majority vote of the members in good standing at a regular monthly meeting. Beginning June 24, 1999, Wood County Democrats shall operate under these Bylaws.

Amended February 22,2002

Amended July 25, 2019